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Renovation of Army College of Medical Sciences Campus (Last date of submission is extended to 13/01/2025)   |   Newsletter E3


The Department of Physiology, ACMS was established in the year 2008. It imparts training to undergraduate medical students in the first professional. The Department boasts state of art facilities including Haematology, Clinical Physiology, Experimental Physiology and Research Laboratories and a well indexed Library with more than 196 books. With implementation of CBME, this department has grabbed the initiative to integrate teaching both horizontally and vertically; involving the Departments of Medicine, Gynaecology, Pathology and Biochemistry, to improve the understanding of concepts in physiology and to provide context for the learning of physiology in the MBBS course.

The Department also strives to provide a conducive working environment to its faculty and staff, giving them ample opportunity to develop their professional skills and expertise, and realize their potential as educators and scholars in their respective field. The teachers of this Department have published research papers  in reputed National and International Journals.

Mission Statement :- The Department of Physiology focuses on delivering high quality education to MBBS students, by providing them world-class learner centric academic experience using innovative teaching learning methodologies, so as to produce well-trained health care professionals, who are valued members of the medical fraternity.


The Dept of Physiology conducts teaching for first MBBS students. These teaching hours are distributed among interactive lectures, practicals, tutorials and seminars & symposia as per NMC guidelines. An introduction to practical clinical skills has traditionally been in the realm of the subject of Physiology. In the last year, this Department has taken a leap forward, taking first professional students to the bedside of patients in Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt. As part of the emphasis on Early Clinical Exposure from the NMC. Additionally, the Department has started using the Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on a routine basis, both, to teach and assess students. The results have been very apparent, the clinical skills of students improving perceptibly.

The Dept is adept to online teaching, using video and online academic resources to strengthen lectures, practicals and small group discussion. The Dept has conducted Internal assessment exams successfully online during Covid-19 enforced lockdown.

This department takes extra care of the slow learners by way of assignments, viva, question paper discussion etc. We have a system of assigning mentors at the beginning of the academic session, for academic and moral support to the students.


Office Space - For HOD , Office, Teaching Faculty, provided with communication, computer and internet facilities.

Well equipped practical Laboratories for :-
1. Haematology experiments with seating capacity :- 60 students.
2. Clinical experiments with seating capacity :- 60 students
3. Human experiments with seating capacity :- 60 students
4. Dept Research lab – Equipped with Spirometry instruments, Physiopac for various autonomic function tests.

In addition to these the Dept also has 

1. Space for non-teaching staff :-12sqm.
2. Mammalian lab :- 60sqm.
3. Dept store room :- 02nos.
4. Departmental Library :- 30sqm
5. Departmental Demonstration Room :- 45sqm, 50-60 students.